Friday, March 18, 2011

Preventing Fatigue Failure with Ultrasonic Impact Treatment

The Devastating Effects of Fatigue Failure

Fatigue failure occurs when material is exposed to repetitive or fluctuating stresses that exceed its tensile strength threshold.  The effects are cumulative in their destructive potency, beginning as undetectable microscopic cracks that grow as they are continuously subjected to cyclic loading. 

Left untreated, seemingly insignificant fissures can grow to produce disastrous consequences, evidenced in such unfortunate cases as the Alexander L. Kielland oil platform disaster in 1980 and the midair disintegration of China Airlines Flight 611 in 2002.  And while not all outcomes of fatigue failure are as catastrophic, the breakdown of components greatly impact the operational capabilities of companies worldwide on a daily basis.  Ultrasonic impact technology (UIT) from Applied Ultrasonics has received mass recognition for its ability to successfully combat the contributing factors of fatigue failure throughout its stages of development.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

UIT – Ultrasonic Impact Technology

Enhancing Productivity & Profit Potential on the Strength of Sound
The tremendous cost and downtime stemming from stress fatigue and metal corrosion can impact profitability and productivity of businesses in metal and machine-reliant industries on an annual basis. Answering the call for a more efficient and cost effective solution to these issues, UIT, or Ultrasonic Impact Technology has emerged as a faster, budget-compatible means of extending fatigue life. Using ultrasonic energy to combat corrosive and fatigue effects on a variety of metals, UIT from Applied Ultrasonics reduces downtime and repair costs, while increasing productivity and profit margins for businesses in a wide spectrum of industries.